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In case of Emergency Phone 999/112

In case of Emergency Phone 999/112

Charity Number 21096

Charities Regulatory Authority 20084028

East Cork ​Rapid ​Response

East Cork ​Rapid ​Response


Advanced Emergency Care,

On Scene​

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ECRR is Ireland’s longest serving Independent ​Volunteer Response Service and is ENTIRELY funded ​by public donations directly made to ECRR.

Everyone on the team is voluntary, no one takes renumeration. Every ​cent donated goes directly to life saving work in East Cork.

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what do we repond to?

ECRR is a voluntaryresponse group ​where our doctor ​provides the most ​advanced care ​available to ​critically unwell ​people pre-hospital, ​on scene.

On average Dr Hugh ​Doran voluntarily ​responds to

9 calls a month.

These are the most ​serious & life or limb ​threatening calls & ​range from Cardiac ​Arrests, to falls from ​an height/in a ​dangerous area, farm ​accidents, road ​traffic accidents, ​seizures & self harm.

In 2022 Road Safety ​Authorities Leading ​Lights awardshonored ECRR as ​winners of the ​Emergecny Services ​Category, ahead of ​over 80 nominations, ​recognising the ​service as the ​"difference between ​life & death" for ​many service users.

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How you can make a difference

One off ​donation/annual ​donation

It's quick and easy to set up a once off, recurrent, or ​annual donation on iDonate, or direct debit to our bank ​account. IBAN: IE14 AIBK 9341 2748 0330 94

Every cent is well spent, and goes directly towards ​saving lives in East Cork.

Please consider filling out an income tax relief form ​also so that we may benefit from a full donation. ​More information from Revenue from here.

Organise a ​fundraiser

Fundraisers are much appreciated, as it helps ​spread the word about our work, and raises vital ​funds. These can take shape in any form you wish, ​please, by all means, enjoy yourselves!

Donate your time

We have a dynamic volunteer committee, but are ​always willing to accept help from people with time ​and skill. Get in touch!

HAve your ​business sponsor ​us, Like these ​heroes

Regular donations can go a long way to ensuring ​monthly costs like insurance, a loan for the car, ​diesel, and upkeep of equipment are covered. Tax ​forms also exist to have your donation tax free to ​make each donation stretch further.

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Recent Fundraising

Our sincerest thanks to.....

We are INCREDIBLY ​grateful for every donation, ​no matter what size.

The work we do could not ​be provided without it.

Conor Casey raised over €19,000 for ​ECRR competing in an Iron Man ​Competition​.

East Cork Camera Group chose ECRR as ​the charity to receive proceeds from their ​annual calendar.

A head shave was organised in Niall Mc ​Carthy’s Pub, Midleton, all proceeds ​donated to ECRR.

Our regular sponsors

We are indebted to.......

Robinsons Tyres ​Midleton fit and ​change our tyres as ​required, free of ​charge.

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